Sunday, April 22, 2012

Respiratory system

Respiratory system passes all the gasses to our body and leaves only oxygen. The hairs inside our nose are called nostrils. A nostril purifies all the gasses.

           When we breathe all the gasses come in our nose. Then, nose passes all the gasses to trachea. After that, tracheas pass the gasses to bronchi. Next, bronchi pass all the gasses to bronchus .Later it passes all the gasses to alveoli. Afterwards, alveoli take other gasses and gives only oxygen to the capillaries.

           Then, alveoli give the other gasses and carbon dioxide back to bronchus. This time it goes backwards like this.

           When we breathe our lungs gets big and it pushes our diaphragm down. And when we exhale our lungs and our diaphragm comes in our original place.

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